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Choosing Where to Study: The US or the UK?

Updated: Jul 30, 2023

The UK and the US are home to some of the world’s most prestigious universities.

Both nations attract thousands of international students a year and for good reason.

However, there are some key differences between them, such as application processes, costs and how degrees are structured.

Read on for a comparison of the difference between the US and the UK.

(Source: Click on the links below to take you to extra advice/help on preparing your application. Or talk to us!.....

The Application Process


- Applications are made through Ucas.

- Each student can apply to up to five universities.

- Applicants for medical, dentistry or veterinary courses must choose a non-specialist course as their fifth option.

- Students can upload their documentation, grades and application details in one place.

- Students write one personal statement that is then sent to all universities on their application.


-Students apply directly to each university.

- Students can apply to as many universities as they want (although teachers recommend between six and eight universities).

- Required documentation varies depending on the university.

- Some universities are included on the Common App, which allows students to apply to several universities from one place.

- The Common App requires individual personal statements for each university.

Course Structures


-Students choose their degree speciality before they begin their first year.

-Students can choose one subject or a joint honours degree that is evenly weighted.

- Degrees take less time to complete. Bachelor’s degrees usually take between three and four years to complete. Master’s degrees usually take one year and PhD programmes can take three or more years.


- Students can study any subject they are interested in for the first year of their degree and must complete 120 credits each year.

- In their second or third year, students are asked to declare a major and start to specialise towards one subject area.

- Students receive a broader education but it takes longer to complete their degree as a result. Bachelor’s degrees take four years to complete. Master’s programmes take two years and PhDs take about five to seven years (or longer).

-Those who wish to specialise in medicine, dentistry, veterinary or engineering fields must first complete their bachelor’s degree before undertaking a postgraduate degree in their chosen profession.

- Another common aspect of the university structure in the US is the ability to transfer between universities in other parts of the country or change and drop subjects.

- In the UK, it is unusual to transfer between universities. If students would like to change university or course they often have to drop out and start again at a different university. It’s always best to speak to a student adviser to see how your university can help you.

Exams and Teaching


  • The UK university system focuses more heavily on individual study and research. Contact hours, or the amount of time students spend in lectures and seminars, can be less than in the US, but this is supplemented with independent reading and writing.

  • The structure of exams and coursework can vary significantly between universities and courses, but many UK courses do indeed have a large portion of the final grade based on end-of-year exams.

  • The grading scale typically ranges from 0 to 100%, with a grade of 70% and above considered a "first," 60-69% a "2.1" (upper second), 50-59% a "2.2" (lower second), and 40-49% a "third." These classifications are often used by employers in the UK to filter job applicants.


  • The US system places a greater emphasis on regular assessments, class participation, and homework. This includes regular quizzes, essays, projects, and mid-term exams, so the academic pressure is more evenly distributed throughout the year.

  • Grades in the US are typically assigned as letter grades (A, B, C, D, F), each correlating to a numeric value that contributes to the student's overall GPA on a 4.0 scale. An A typically correlates to a 4.0, a B to a 3.0, and so on. The GPA is often used by graduate schools and employers to assess a candidate's academic performance.

  • Teaching in the US can be more interactive than in the UK, with class discussions and student presentations being quite common. However, teaching methods can vary greatly between different universities and courses.

(It's important to note that while these descriptions generally hold true, there is a significant amount of variation within each country.

Different universities and different courses can have very different teaching styles and assessment methods - talk to the team at ME+U to find out more about the University you are interested in and their teaching style.

Cost and Financial Aid

UK -Average tuition is approximately £9,000 per year for home students and up to £30,000 per year for international students.

- Students who have UK citizenship are able to apply for a loan from Student Finance to cover their degree and living costs. However, most international students will be unable to apply for this kind of funding.

- Instead international students can work part-time to fund their studies (check your visa conditions to see if you are eligible to work).

- Students can also apply for scholarships for help with their finances.


- Tuition at top US universities can start at $33,730 (£27,688) per year and varies depending on factors such as length of the programme, whether it is a public or a private university and which state it is in.

- There is no government funding for tuition fees or living costs. Students have to take out private or bank loans or use their savings.

- Students often have part-time jobs to help fund their education.

- Students have access to many loans and scholarships to help cover university costs.

- Loans must be paid back upon graduation, leading to high student debt.

Term dates

Most universities in the UK begin in September and have breaks at Christmas and Easter.

In the US, most universities begin their term in mid to late August and have a long break at Christmas, starting in mid-November or mid-December to include Thanksgiving. Students then return to studies in mid-January.

For all your application needs, contact the Team at ME+U to discuss your study plans - our team have a wealth of experience of working in all phases of education and can help you with the information and advice you need to make your decision. Book your free consultation now!

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