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Free Courses coming your way in July.

ME+U are pleased to announce that in July 2022, we will be offering you the opportunity to take part in two free courses.

Applying to University is a short course of 6 units that will walk you through the main steps of applying to university -whether that is in the UK, the USA, Australia or Canada, and will give you a range of advice for other countries too. It considers what you should think about before you even submit your application form, and then what you can expect once you submit the form, what to do when you receive your offer (and what to do if you don't receive an offer...). The course will give you advice and help about improving your English levels, and the tests you need to take; it then covers a range of practical issues you should think about - visas, accommodation and financial planning.

An Introduction to Academic English is a free course that will help you to understand what is expected of you in University in terms of the English language. It looks at what Academic English is, and then takes each of the skills areas in turn - Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking - and will give you an overview of the language you need in each skill area to help you grow in linguistic independence and build your confidence.

Both courses are free, self paced and available to you indefinitely.... this means you can

- complete them as and when it suits you

- go back to the course whenever you want to review the advice

- take advantage of the unique offer of talking to an ME+U expert about your own study plans, and receive personalised advice.

Keep an eye on the blog for updates - but reserve your place now!

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