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Tuesday Task

Should More Teenagers Ditch Their Smartphones?

A group of New York City teens are seeking to free themselves from their phones and social media. Would you want to join their club?

Do you ever feel you have become too dependent on your phone?

Do you find yourself consumed by social media and the need to endlessly chase likes?

Are you ever exhausted by the thought of scrolling through yet one more picture-perfect Instagram selfie?

Well, if you answered yes to any of these questions, there’s a club for you! In “‘Luddite’ Teens Don’t Want Your Likes,” Alex Vadukul writes about a group of teenagers who are trying to break free of their phones.

We invite you to read the entire article and then tell us:

  • What roles does your smartphone play in your life? On the whole, would you say that it has a positive or detrimental effect on your life and your well-being?

  • Logan Lane says that she became “completely consumed” by social media during the lockdown, saying, “I couldn’t not post a good picture if I had one.” Vee De La Cruz, a Luddite club member, said, “You post something on social media, you don’t get enough likes, then you don’t feel good about yourself.” Have you ever been consumed by social media or felt worse about yourself after using it? Do you relate to any of the teenagers quoted in this article? If so, which ones, and why?

  • What’s your reaction to the article and the Luddite Club? What do you think of its goal of promoting a lifestyle of self-liberation from social media and technology? Should more teens take inspiration from the group and try to free themselves from phones?

  • Lola Shub, another Luddite Club member, said: “When I got my flip phone, things instantly changed. I started using my brain.” Have you ever been without a smartphone or social media for an extended period — a week, a month or more? What was it like? Did you discover new things about yourself and the world?

  • How hard would it be to ditch your phones and social media? How would your own friends and family react if you switched to a flip phone or no phone at all?

  • Would you want to join the Luddite Club or start your own like-minded group? Why or why not?

Share your answers with us on our Facebook and/or Instagram page, or comment here - we want to hear from you :)

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